Empowering the lives of Underserved Children

Archive for December, 2014

Breakfast n Tattoos 9 Nov 14

A breakfast treat for 150 plus children

by December 18, 2014 0 comments

150 children with treated to a special breakfast of samosas, muffins, cookies, sandwiches etc. A magic show that enthralled everyone followed and for the first time the children received soft toys and games. A tattoo artist made the children’s favourite characters and themes come alive on their hands Again POW was joined by a Round […]

lunch for 150 children POW Kol 2 Nov 14

Surprise lunch for 150 children

by December 18, 2014 0 comments

A surprise lunch at POW Kolkata for 150 children topped with mouth watering desserts of chocolate and gift packs. We were joined by a team of about 40 people – an exceptionally special day at POW indeed!