Empowering the lives of Underserved Children

Archive for June, 2016

Aged 2, Ranbir watched his mother, suffering from TB, cough to death on the streets.

by June 27, 2016 0 comments

Aged 2, Ranbir watched his mother, suffering from TB, cough to death on the streets. Ranbir’s mother was in agony for days before her death, but no one came to help. When Ranbir began the Paint Our World workshops at the age of four, he was very reticent and unwilling to mingle — very un-childlike. […]


Paint Our World turns 3 today

by June 24, 2016 0 comments

Paint Our World turns 3 today… 3 years of working to empower the most vulnerable children in our society. Today we pause to celebrate each of our children – each child who has made the beautiful shift towards the POWer of light, in the process better understanding their caterpillar journeys and the strength of their […]