Empowering the lives of Underserved Children


Sneakers Drive for Paint Our World, POWered by Rush Gyms!

by January 28, 2019 0 comments

Sneakers Drive for Paint Our World, POWered by Rush Gyms!! The Paint Our World children have been excelling in sports (rugby and football in particular) for a while now. We would like them to have proper sneakers. Even at a modest price at Rs.3000 per pair the total comes to Rs.8,01,000 for 267 children which […]


POWerful thanks Nimisha for this beautiful New Year share

by January 3, 2019 0 comments

POWerful thanks Nimisha for this beautiful New Year share on how your painting you got from agapi2 (Paint Our World’s flagship art exhibition) illuminates your home. Priyam – POWerful gratitude n love #POWerOfCompassion #gratitude #love #joy #PaintOurWorld #Agapi2


We at Paint Our World thank you all for the POWer of your love and support

by December 31, 2018 0 comments

We at Paint Our World thank you all for the POWer of your love and support We at Paint Our World thank you all for the POWer of your love and support this year and we look forward to journey with you on making the POWerOfCompassion fashion! Lots of POWerful love and light from our […]


And now it is the turn of the POW boys to make their Christmas brownies

by December 26, 2018 0 comments

And now it is the turn of the POW boys to make their Christmas brownies! #festiveseason #love #fun #joy #Christmas #POWerOfCompassion POWerful gratitude Cake POWer Manika


Christmas joy, laughter, fun and learning in a Christmas brownie making workshop

by December 25, 2018 0 comments

Christmas joy, laughter, fun and learning in a Christmas brownie making workshop! Thank you POWer Manika for bringing these Christmas joys, smiles (and delicacies) to the children. How does it get inconceivably better better than this?? What else is possible?? POWerful Christmas love and wishes #POWerOfCompassion


Merry Christmas from the POW family to each of you

by December 24, 2018 0 comments

Merry Christmas from the POW family to each of you #POWerOfCompassion #PaintOurWorld #MerryChristmas #ChristmasCheer


Santa brought a different gift for each POW child this year

by December 23, 2018 0 comments

Santa brought a different gift for each POW child this year. The learning – for all of us, our blessings/gifts are different. The joy of life is all about cherishing our individual blessings. Compare your blessings to others and they seem to diminish in the face of comparison. Thank you POWer Isha for helping Santa […]


At Paint Our World last week we gave gratitude for all those who have brought so much love, joy, inspiration and encouragement to us through the year.

by December 22, 2018 0 comments

At Paint Our World last week we gave gratitude for all those who have brought so much love, joy, inspiration and encouragement to us through the year. POWerful gratitude to POWerful artist Priyam at Pattern Pitara for leading this brilliant workshop with the children, teaching them patterned art with so much love and patience. How […]


Wishes from our hearts

by December 20, 2018 0 comments

Wishes from our hearts to you and yours for a POWerful Christmas and New Year! Together, let’s make our world magical – after all, it is all up to us!!! Lots of love always P.S. 2018 has been a very special year for Paint Our World seeing our children do better and the beauty of […]

Here’s hoping our joy infects YOU and YOURS

by December 19, 2018 0 comments

Here’s hoping our joy infects YOU and YOURS!!! What else is possible? How does it get inconceivably better than this? #paintourworld #POWerOfCompassion