Thank you Sabiya Sinha Roy
Thank you Sabiya Sinha Roy for your POWerful painting!!!! Here’s to more #POWerOfCompassion #PaintOurWorld #Agapi2
Thank you Sabiya Sinha Roy for your POWerful painting!!!! Here’s to more #POWerOfCompassion #PaintOurWorld #Agapi2
Powerful gratitude to artist Divya Kanoi for her #Agapi2 contribution! #PaintOurWorld #POWerOfCompassion
Delhi artist Shilpie Khanna Soni has donated 2 of her mystically beautiful paintings for agapi2. POWerful gratitude Shilpie! As we celebrate the addition of your mesmerising contributions to agapi2’s repertoire, here’s to more magic, more POWer, more compassion. #POWerOfCompassion #PaintOurWorld
Paint Our World’s cause featured in Sanmarg a leading Hindi newspaper in India. Thank you Sanmarg for recognising POW’s cause. #POWerOfCompassion Gratitude to our beautiful team of POWers. Each day confirms our belief that compassion is the most meaningful fashion and the way to creating a more beautiful world! Here’s to all you POWerful people […]
Our Foundress, Dr. Priya Virmani has been nominated in the Social Worker Category of the Aparajita Awards by Sanmarg News, for Paint Our World’s cause (www.paintourworld.org). If you feel her work for the cause of emPOWering our society’s most underserved children is deserving of your vote please vote by following this link: http://aparajita.sanmarg.in/voting-2018/. The social […]
POWerful gratitude to Bangalore based artist Seema Agarwal for donating 2 nostalgia evoking paintings for Agapi2. Here’s to more giving, to a compassion world for us all.
POWerful, POWerful gratitude to Chitrakoot Art Galleryfor their enormous POWerhouse like support for POW’s cause. 13 paintings donated by them alone for Agapi2. Here’s to more POWer, more compassion, more magic happens with the #POWerOfCompassion! #PaintOurWorld #Agapi2
When a 9 year old artist says I would like to help the children of Paint Our World, together with my mother, in any way I can it is an experience that tells you ‘the might of bridges comes from the simple thoughtfulness of compassion’. Thank you Kabir and Mamta from us all at Paint […]
Priyam Dalmiya Pattern Pitara has contributed 2 stunning pieces of pattern art for Agapi2! Kolkata are you ready for Agapi2??! Here’s to more magic and POWer!!! #PaintOurWorld #Agapi2 #PatternPitara
We at #PaintOurWorld are humbled to share that renouned Indian artist Manoj Mitra has created a painting especially for Agapi2. POWerful gratitude Mr. Mitra! Here’s to more magic, more POWer!!! #POWerOfCompassion #Agapi2