Empowering the lives of Underserved Children

Articles by:

Sharing this beautiful story that I came across. God Himself takes care of you, when you reach out to others especially to those in pain:

by June 12, 2017 0 comments

Sharing this beautiful story that I came across. God Himself takes care of you, when you reach out to others especially to those in pain: One day Krishna & Arjuna were taking their usual walk, when they came across an old Brahmin begging, taking pity on his condition, Arjuna gave him a bag of gold […]


Summer time story telling sessions for the POW children

by June 9, 2017 0 comments

Summer time story telling sessions for the POW children. Thank you beautiful Georgy for all your love and dedication.


Preea came all the way from London and used her brief time in Delhi to celebrate with the POW children. POWerful love

by June 9, 2017 0 comments

Preea came all the way from London and used her brief time in Delhi to celebrate with the POW children. POWerful love

Thank you Richa and Mahir Hora for the fun filled summer dance workshops you are holding especially for the Paint Our World children

by May 26, 2017 0 comments

Thank you Richa and Mahir Hora for the fun filled summer dance workshops you are holding especially for the Paint Our World children. It is wonderful seeing our teenagers give back so wonderfully – with so much joy and fun! POWerful thanks Mahir!!! “It’s the first time I’ve ever taught anyone outside school and these […]


Thank you POWers Winky, Georgy and Priti for a wonderfully POWerful afternoon at POW. Here’s to love n more POWer

by May 23, 2017 0 comments

Thank you POWers Winky, Georgy and Priti for a wonderfully POWerful afternoon at POW. Here’s to love n more POWer


A priceless gift….

by May 22, 2017 0 comments

A priceless gift…..today when the Paint Our World Delhi children learned I was leaving some of them suddenly disappeared. They were back in about 10 minutes with this card. It speaks to my heart and soul. We are blessed to be a POWerful family. #gratitude #love #paintourworld. More POWer and love, Priya.


Love comes in different guises

by May 17, 2017 0 comments

Love comes in different guises….. The memory of some days is such that it turns time into a smile…today will always be such a day for me. A day of simple giving that turned into as unadulterated a love as is possible. That turned into the kind of giving that makes the heart of the […]


A fun filled evening of song, dance and conversation with the Paint Our World Delhi children in the boys’ homes

by May 15, 2017 0 comments

A fun filled evening of song, dance and conversation with the Paint Our World Delhi children in the boys’ homes. In our feedback session today they said the POW Workshops they enjoyed the most were Football and Art. When I asked them which of the two between Football and Art was their favourite all they […]

In 2013, the Delhi Police Commissioner made public the statistic that 97% of rapes and abuse in India happen in the home

by May 14, 2017 0 comments

In 2013, the Delhi Police Commissioner made public the statistic that 97% of rapes and abuse in India happen in the home. How do we make our homes safe for all our children? This is a clip from Paint Our World Foundress, Dr. Priya Virmani’s talk that highlights the urgency to expose the perpetrators of […]


Paint Our World’s girls in Kolkata are becoming amazing at football

by May 12, 2017 0 comments

Paint Our World’s girls in Kolkata are becoming amazing at football – yes football! All thanks to Warming Up Kids – thank you ‘million much’ Ashwini, Pari and Runa for making the dream of our girls enjoying, learning from, and excelling at, football!!! More POWer to Warming Up Kids!!!